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Blog Writing​


It's a struggle to continuously come up with content for your blogs. And who has time for that anyway?


The truth is blog writing is one of the best ways to get found online by your potential clients and you don't want to miss this opportunity. It's an easy way to stay in front of your potential clients right where they're looking.


And the best part about blogs is they're evergreen. Meaning they stay out there on the web, always driving traffic back to you.


I can help you create blog posts to stay consistent and relevant to help you capture some of those potential clients. 

Email Marketing


Once you've captured a new lead with one of your awesome lead magnets, what do you do with them? You nurture them, of course, with amazing emails that you send out to keep them interested in your services.


You want to stay top of mind so that when they're ready to choose a company to work with or ready to make a purchase, they immediately think of you.


Email marketing is still one of the most effective forms of marketing to your leads. I can help you create email sequences that catch your prospect's attention, get them to open and click on your links. 

Social Media 


Social media is a wonderful tool to stay connected with your audience, but consistency is paramount. Creating engaging and useful content for your social platforms takes time and creative juices. And with everything else on your plate, that's just one more thing you don't need.


I can create your social media plan and create that content for you. And as an added bonus, I'll even schedule it for you on your platforms, saving you more time to focus your energy where you need to. 

Content Strategy


One of the most difficult things for any company to manage is their content marketing consistency, which is key to making it work for you. With everything else you have to do, it's really no wonder.


So, what you really need is a roadmap. Having that roadmap in place will help you know what to post and when to post it instead of trying to fly by the seat of your pants all the time.


Once you put this roadmap into place, you'll know weeks, even months, ahead what you'll be creating for your marketing message.


I can create a roadmap for you so you'll be on top of your marketing and you can stay consistent to make the content marketing work for you.

Video Scripts


Video is the hottest ticket out there for getting your marketing messages out to your potential clients. Video is also the fastest way to build your "know, like, and trust" factor with your audience.

Creating videos takes a little extra work, but the pay-off is exponentially greater than non-video messaging. 

If you're wanting to beef up your marketing with well-designed videos, I can help by creating your marketing message. I write relevant, fresh video scripts in your voice to build a foundation for your marketing messages. 



Have you considered adding a book to your marketing efforts? A book, positioning you as the expert in your field, can be a magnet for clients. Once they see your name on the front cover, answering all their questions, you'll be the logical choice for them when they're ready to hire a professional. 

And a book will work for you 24/7, quietly spreading your knowledge and solidifying you as the best choice for your clients' needs. Imagine seeing your book on Amazon, the NY Times Bestseller's List, and even on bookshelves around the country and beyond. 

If having your own book is an aspiration, then let's talk specifics. I will spend some time with you, getting to know your unique voice, and drilling down your skills and knowledge. I can coach you through the entire process, from idea to completion. 

B2B Services


If you need to boost your credibility in the real estate space, create trust and brand awareness, I can help. Let me create the user experience you need to convert more leads into sales. 


As a B2B copywriter, I offer an expansive list of services to help you reach your target market and convert them into more sales for you.

I write...

  • video scripts

  • newsletters 

  • articles 

  • white papers 

  • blog posts 

  • cases studies 

  • ebooks

  • landing pages

  • direct-response sales letters

  • product descriptions

  • social media advertising posts 

  • user experience

  • ghostwriting


...and so much more!

If you don't see the type of content you're looking for, ask me about it. 

Blog Writing
Email Marketing
Content Strategy
Video Scripts
B2B Services
Social Media

Book a FREE virtual coffee with me!

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